It covers everything from makeup, clothing, skin care, to health and the ups and downs of plastic surgery.
There are special little features in every issue that totally devote themselves to one aspect of beauty. One month the article was devoted to how to pluck your eyebrows, and it covered everything from technique to good tweezers to what to do to reduce swelling. Another month it centered around sunglasses and recommended styles and shapes...
The magazines focus is on beauty though you will also find some fashion pieces.
What I like most is the magazines unusual look at beauty. For example past issues have included a peek inside at the items in some bathroom cabinets belonging to well knowed women.
What strippers at Scores use to take care of their bodies. An article on the man who inspired the movie Shampoo.
And there are many traditional articles on beauty. Allure excells at being on the cutting edge of new technology that will make you even prettier. On these pages you will find out about botox, laser surgery, high tech...