If you're serious about bringing faith into your everyday life, Christianity Today offers hard-hitting news, issues of importance to Christian communities around the world and commentary from a Christian perspective.
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Subscribe to Christianity Today Magazine at MagsConnect.com. MagsConnect.com has discount subscriptions for all News & Politics magazine enthusiasts.
For a general-purpose Christian magazine, its hard to go wrong with Christianity Today. It has a little bit of everything that touches the Christian world, whether news, theology, morality, or the devotional life. Editorials and articles are well thought-out and presented in a very intellectually engaging manner. In a couple of issues that followed the 09/11 tragedy, the magazine dealt with questions that were on the minds of many: Is Islam a religion of peace? and Is the God of Mohammad the same God as the God of Jesus Christ? The articles on those questions really nailed the issue for me. Also recently there have been ongoing discussions of Openness Theology...
I have read CT for years, and appreciate its ability to report on the broad Christian world, as well as current events, from an evangelical perspective that informs believers, and offers credible material for those who want to know what we think. The blend of church news, world news, culture, and theological discussion is amazing. While covering controversies within denominations and movements, CT also helps bring the broad evangelical movement together through its explication and analysis.
Some reviewers complain that CT promotes a prosperity gospel, denominational strife, or other such unbalanced views. Such mistaken views come from reading one article,...
Best evangelical survey of Christian & world news & culture
Christianity Today offers interviews of major thinkers, performers, and newsmakers, with special emphasis on how they relate to the evangelical church world. Their in-house writing is mainstream evangelical, and when it comes to controversy within the movement, the writers are "painfully middle of the road." Nevertheless, since those in the middle usually get shot at from both sides, the CT garners its share of criticism from fundamentalists, liberals, and those with stark views on such subjects as sex, drugs, music, national politics, and international relations (especially regarding the Middle East).
CT is intelligent, broad, and a great starting place...
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