Whether you are a crossword expert or pride yourself on your knowledge of all that is trivial, Games magazine is what your brain desires. The magazine for intelligent minds at play, Games lets you match wits with our puzzle masters. Each issue is loaded with crosswords, logic puzzles, prize filled contests, trivia and word games designed to push your intellect and thought process to the limit.
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I discovered Games magazine in its earlier incarnation (in the mid-1980s) when I was in college. Several of us would get together and work on our copies when they arrived, inevitably in the middle of exam weeks. We would see how many people we would need to get together to solve the puzzle contest (which we won once), as well as do all of the various other puzzles. I still credit the logic problems with helping me on the GREs (Graduate Record Exams)! While I no longer subscribe, I still do purchase at least 5 of the 6 issues each year.
One of the best things about Games is the variety of puzzles (as well as articles). I can only do so many crossword...
No games, this is quality stuff!
How do I love this magazine, let me count the ways. Seriously though, this magazine is overflowing with puzzles, mind-teasers, stories, game advice, trivia and much much more. Although this may sound like a plug for GAMES I fully believe that these are the reasons I subscribe to this great magazine.
I have purchased many magazines that contain puzzles. The reason I continue to purchase GAMES is the variety ! Instead of focusing on just crosswords or just word finds, it incorporates both and many other different types of puzzles.
My favorite section of GAMES would have to be: The World's Most Ornery Crossword. This 25x25 crossword has two...
Really relaxing riddling reading...
I have been reading Games magazine ever since the very first one was published over 20 years ago. As far as I can tell (and I have looked VERY hard) there are no other puzzle/game magazines out there like this one. As such, for me, Games is the magazine by which I judge all other publications on the subject.
I first learned to play chess better from this magazine, then it taught me how to beat most opponents at othello/reversi. The main part of the magazine is glossy and contains articles on various games and diversions both of the board, and video/computer varieties. Card games and solve-it-yourself mysteries are included in a typical issue,...
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