If Ernest Hemingway, Theodore Roosevelt and Ralph Lauren brought together their notions of the exemplary sporting periodical, Gray's Sporting Journal would be the result. This is a beautifully presented sporting magazine. But that's only the beginning. Gray's is the focal point for many, if not most, of the finest authors, essayists, journalists, poets, photographers, and most particularly, artists contributing their efforts to enhancing the sporting life. This is not standard "Sports Afield" or "Outdoor Life" fare. Far removed, in fact. Not that there is anything wrong with these other publications, rather their focus simply couldn't be different.
Gray's Sporting Journal stands so far apart from the magazines that it's positioned with on the newsstand that any comparison beyond the obvious-these are all magazines about hunting and fishing-is somewhat a waste of time. So, no direct comparisons will be made here.
Suitable comparisons to British magazines, though, is appropriate; even necessary. "Country Life" and "The Field" (the oldest sporting, or "country", magazine in the world) are the only two magazines I've consistently read that bring similar content quality their readers. Gray's, I suspect, must model some of its elegance on these two incredible books, as they have seemingly set the standard for what we think of when we hear the phrase the "sporting life" in the context of periodicals.
One might think of Gray's as dedicated to the expression of sport rather than a periodical dedicated to instruction in sport. I'm thinking here of what the reader will and won't find in Gray's. The reader will find extraordinary essays about the act of sport, but won't find articles with regurgitated titles such as "How to Land the Biggest Summertime [fill in the blank]." Won't find SUV ratings, but will find photographic journals of places that can only be reached by a SUV. The reader will find excellent book reviews, but won't find an endless trail product reviews. I could go on and on, but you probably get the idea.
Along side sporting literature and art, Gray's offers "Expeditions: The Gray's Guide To Sporting Travel." This section contains compelling photo-journalism and narrative accounts from expeditions around the globe. It all makes for very exciting and satisfying reading. "The Listing" provides solid information on sources and places where you can initiate your own adventures.
If you are a lover of sporting art and photography, you'll take to Gray's immediately. If you read and reread your favorite sporting literature, this is a book you?ll fall in love with. Simply put, if you love the culture surrounding the sport as much as you love the act of sport itself, Gray's will exceed your expectations.
Recommended: Yes
Interesting reading for hunters & Fishermen
This magazine is a pleasant change from "Field & Stream" and "Outdoor life" The articles are well written and harken back to a day and age when one had time to sit by the fire and read a good story. 5 stars for writing quality. It's expensive per issue but you'll get your money's worth out of the reading time. Ad's but far fewer than those other pulp journals.
Fine collection of Fishing and Hunting Stories
This roughly bimonthly magazine contains a wide range of generally well written fishing and hunting stories, plus some photo-journals of hunting and fishing trips to exotic locales. There are occassional articles about making guns, gunsmithing, etc. I'd pretty much agree with G. Powell's short review, the quality of the writing here is better than `Field and Stream' or similar publications, definitely worth the money. Probably about the same as `Sporting Classics', but without so many ads. I got started reading this magazine after devouring Robert Ruark, Peter Capstick, and Gordon MacQuarrie. This magazine (and perhaps `Sporting Classics') is about the only thing that is comparable to that style of writing these days. One thing I really like about GSJ is that there is a wide range of hunting and fishing stories from simple tales about deer camp or bass fishing in the local lake (which virtually everyone can associate with to some degree), to exotic and dangerous safaris in Africa, waterfowl hunts in Argentina, and fly fishing in Mongolia. There are stories that I can relate to, and stories that make me dream about (probably unattainable - at least by me) hunting and fishing adventures. An evening with this magazine will get me primed for the upcoming season no matter if it is turkeys, trout, or ducks.
Not Just "Hook & Bullet" Journalism
More often than not offers entertaining, compelling coverage that should appeal to the true outdoorsman and conservationist.