Reviews For Catster Magazine

Not my favorite but an okay magazine

I occasionally pick up a copy of Cat Fancy when I am at the pet store but it is not one of my favorites.

What articles appear in the magazines are good but they tend to read like aa text book. I am in agreement with Nathantyree that they do concentrate too much on pure breed cats. Perhaps this is because they seem to cater to the cat show and cat breeder community. There are pages and pages of advertisements for Cat Shows and Breeders which is as it should be if the magazine is the standard for these communities. Some of us with purebred cats do not want to show or breed our animals and therefore, prefer lighter reading. I have a pure bred Peke-Persian, a beautiful cat, but I will not show her. As an animal behaviorist that specializes in training cats I prefer magazines that concentrate on cat behavior and training such as Pet Life Magazine.

As for "MadBrunette".... ignore her. Evidently her illness requires her to have some sort of enforcement whether positive or negative. To ignore such a person may hurt more than to acknowledge their existence. In my book cat people are REAL people. My kitty is my baby and I love her dearly. By the way, she will be nine years old on May 1st.

Thanks for listening to my opinion.


cute and informative

Cat Fancy is a wonderful monthly magazine devoted to, well, cats.
It is a combination of human interest stories, breed profiles,
educational articles, and shopping guides. Probably the strongest
differences between this and some of the other feline publications
are the many informational sections. There is monthly column on
veterinary care written by a well regarded feline specialist.
In addition to this there are articles on healthcare, safety,
nutrition,environmental enrichment, and other important topics. Many
of the other magazines seem more filled with cute photos than with
any substance. Although cat fancy has its share of these too, there
is a nicer balance. The only fault I can really find with the
magazine as a whole is that there tends to be a focus on purebred
cats and too few articles on the benefits of adopting a shelter
animal. All in all though, I would have to recommend this magazine
for anyone who loves cats or wants to learn why others do.


Meow's Meow

I have a subscription to Cat Fancy for two reasons. The first reason is because I have a cat, and I love cats. I love reading abut them, I love being with them. My life, my home, isn't complete unless there is a cat in the picture somewhere. This is a pretty obvious,normal reason to be interested in a magazine. But subscribe to it?

The second reason is because the price was right. The subscription was so cheap thatI couldn't say no, and why should I? This is the telling part of my review: If I had to pay a penny more, I wouldn't subscribe to Cat Fancy. The magazine itself is about cats, of course!

However, most people I know don't have pure breeds lounging around their house, and they don't care about showing their cats. They do care about their health, safety, comfort and quality of lives. In my opinion, Cat Fancy does dedicate a lot of space to the pure breeds, but it does try to balance this with articles on shelters, stray cats, abandoned cats. These articles are touching, educational and informative. The quality of writing is, indeed, high.

So, I do think that the money I've spent in subscribing to Cat Fancy is well spent. That amount is trivial, and so is this in comparison to others. If you want to spend more time on cats as a whole, without all the pure breed article, Cats is much more suitable. Too bad they don't have a decent deal!


Cat Fancy: the only one worth reading

Cat Fancy is the cat magazine!
No other is really worth reading...

articles in the magazine are well thought through, and seems highly trustworthy. I have used the advice there in many times, and always to the desired effect.

I even learned how to train my cat to sit from tips in the magazine, and just let me tell you... cats are NOT easy to train!

Articles on breeds have full color photos and that is the best way to recognize them... you would be surprised how many magazines just have descriptions or black and white photos... a big turn-off...

well... cat fancy is a good buy, and a good read, and although I am not nuts about cats, it is a good thing reading up a little so you cna make them happier, healthier, and make you a better owner, and get more out of your pets...

cat fancy can do all that and more for you.


The Best in Feline Magazines

Cat Fancy Magazine is a most terrific magazine. Each month there is a cat profile. This magazine is very informative and is tops in my house. My Neighbor subscribes so every issue she is done reading I get it and I read it from front to back. The only downfall of this magazine is there are so many breeders who advertise. What saddens me is that just because the cat has a pedigree they pay thousands. Why not rescue some of these cats from the Local animal humane. Although the magazine is great they still have some issues that they could issue. One being, "OVERPOPULATION"!
They should also talk about taking your felines to the vet to be spayed or nuetered.
Overall, Good information
but need more info on the overpopulation.


Definitely for the Fancier Breeds of Felines

While I have learned to adore the feline population, it distresses me when certain breeds are glorified through the media...leaving out the variable of lost, abused, or abandoned animals. Cat Fancy magazine is a monthly source of breeders...over one-third of this publication devotes itself to listings upon listings of breeders looking for potential buyers who insist on only the best, AKC registered breeds of cats. There happen to be some articles of merit regarding feline health and behavior...but then, one can research those topics in a reference manual or even on the internet. It breaks my heart that a publication that has the potential to reach thousands of readers in an effort to control the pet over-population...does nothing more than encourage individuals to "buy purebreds." Personally, I would rather save the money spent on a subscription and donate food to the local animal shelter...

