I am a voracious reader of business periodicals. I subscribe to and read four business magazines and three financial newspapers on a regular basis. Between Forbes, Fortune and BusinessWeek, I always look most forward to receiving my next issue of Forbes. Why? Several reasons:
- The articles are generally shorter and more "to the point" than Fortune. Forbes is also not as beholden as BusinessWeek is to cover the hot news stories. - This magazine is the best of the three for discovering new investment ideas and it is generally more investor focused than either Fortune or BW. - The editorials throughout the magazine are usually thought-provoking and I guarantee you will develop your own favorite columnists whom you will look forward to reading in each issue - Forbes has a politically conservative and pro-business slant (with Steve Forbes as Editor-in-Chief, that should be no surprise). - Forbes offers two supplemental issues, which are quarterly. Forbes ASAP is entirely focused on technology and many articles are actually thought pieces written by influential executives, investors, and technology visionaries. Forbes FYI features lighter articles which are thematically aimed at the upper class. You will probably find some of the stories (and the ads) irrelevant to your life (we're not all millionaires yet, are we?). But it's an amusing magazine and it's a good break for me from the stream of more business-oriented stuff I read.
I do enjoy all three of the major business magazines I mentioned. But if you made me drop two of them, I'd keep Forbes. The reasonable price is just icing on the cake and gives you no excuse not to try it out. I bet you'll be hooked.
Best of the Big Three
If someone put a gun to my head and told me I had to choose between Forbes, Fortune and BusinessWeek, I'd go with Forbes. The articles seem crisper to me, and they have an attitude about them. You never have any doubt about where Forbes stands on something.
I also like the fact that they don't seem beholden to the news cycle. Some of their best stories come from digging up up the story you *don't* see everywhere else. If you want day-to-day news, you can always turn to daily sources like the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, then use Forbes to get your 'Fact and Comment' (the name of Steve Forbes' bi-weekly contribution, by the way).
In fact, the beginning of the magazine alone is worth the subscription price:
- 'Flashback' follows up on previus stories that have appeared in Forbes. Yes, they'll gloat if they got the story right, but more importantly they'll take 40 lashes if they called it wrong.
- 'Fact and Comment' by Steve Forbes is always a good read...maybe it was better in the days of Clinton; Forbes differences with Bush are not as sharp of course, but terrorism and tax cuts are red meat subjects for him.
- The 'Current Events' column in a pleasure to read. You get rotating columns by Lee Kuan Yew, Paul Johnson, Ernesto Zedillo and Caspar Weinberger. Wow, talk about a world-class crew.
- Most underrated part of the magazine - Rich Karlgaard's column. Rich is the Publisher of Forbes, and his column is called 'Digital Rules' It's excellent writing. Always provocative and timely.
A subscription to Forbes would make a great gift to anyone interested in business. It's a bargain at this price.
This is a great magazine. I recently Started reading it and a few others similar to it. It does give helpful business strategies and financial planning advice. It really is an eye opener to all the ways there are to make money and to have a business not just in one market but in a variety of Markets.
Do you want the BEST business magazine?
Are you tired of all the negativity pouring out of the typical business magazine? Tired of overdone coverage of issues that should have been put to rest long-ago? Here's a periodical that gives you the news BEFORE it becomes news everywhere else. They have good corporate detectives. They tend to get to the detailed meat of the matter. Very little, or no garbage (useless chatter, and baseless opinions). This is a good magazine for the person who is in management, a business owner, in the corporate finance field, an investor, or someone heading in any of these directions. Forbes is a good learning tool. I'm going into the corporate turnaround business, and I find Forbes very useful. The magazine also adds some light-hearted notes. Basically- a no-BS capitalist tool.
Replaced Fortune with Forbes
After subscribing to Fortune for years, I now only read Forbes. While Fortune offered great articles, most were very wordy. With little time to devote to reading, Forbes articles are to the point, well written, and offer a similar content (read take-away) as Fortune. If time were not a factor, I would read both. Forbes provides a different "flavor" than the other periodicals available.
Great Magazine
I like the redesign of this magazine. The stories are shorter and crisp. Forbes has been a publication that I have read for a long time. It never disappoints me.
Great deal on the best business magazine
I have always enjoyed Forbes and have read it off and on since I was a teenager working in my father's store. The common sense approach to business and free markets is the best in the business.
Has great articles and a great source of info. Had to keep up with the latest business deals for my class at college, having fun reading Forbes. heh.
Great articles that keep you up to date on what is going on globally. There are plenty of pieces on topics that you will not hear about in the WSJ or CNBC. Do keep in mind that Forbes is temporally minded. If you think it will take you a while to get to reading each issue, it may not be as useful.
One of the Best
If you are looking for one of the best publications for business people and investors this is it. No sacred cows here.